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Advances in Land Remote Sensing: System, Modeling, Inversion and Application pdf

Advances in Land Remote Sensing 2008 pdf
System, Modeling, Inversion and Application
Editors: Liang, Shunlin (Ed.) 2008

Advances in Land Remote Sensing 2008 pdf System, Modeling, Inversion and Application Editors: Liang, Shunlin (Ed.) 2008
Recent Advances in Land Remote Sensing: An Overview
Liang, Shunlin // Pages 1-6
Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Land Applications
Jackson, Thomas J. // Pages 9-18
Active Microwave Remote Sensing Systems and Applications to Snow Monitoring
Shi, Jiancheng // Pages 19-49
Multi-angular Thermal Infrared Observations of Terrestrial Vegetation
Menenti, Massimo (et al.) // Pages 51-93
Terrestrial Applications of Multiangle Remote Sensing
Chopping, Mark J. // Pages 95-144
Modeling the Spectral Signature of Forests: Application of Remote Sensing Models to Coniferous Canopies
Stenberg, Pauline (et al.) // Pages 147-171
Estimating Canopy Characteristics from Remote Sensing Observations: Review of Methods and Associated Problems
Baret, Frédéric (et al.) // Pages 173-201
Knowledge Database and Inversion
Wang, Jindi (et al.) // Pages 203-217
Retrieval of Surface Albedo from Satellite Sensors
Schaaf, Crystal (et al.) // Pages 219-243
Modeling and Inversion in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing over Vegetated Land Surfaces
Jacob, Frédéric (et al.) // Pages 245-291
Spectrally Consistent Pansharpening
Vesteinsson, Ari (et al.) // Pages 293-311
Data Assimilation Methods for Land Surface Variable Estimation
Liang, Shunlin (et al.) // Pages 313-339
Methodologies for Mapping Land Cover/Land Use and its Change
Lam, Nina Siu-Ngan // Pages 341-367
Methodologies for Mapping Plant Functional Types
Sun, Wanxiao (et al.) // Pages 369-393
Monitoring and Management of Agriculture with Remote Sensing
Chen, Zhongxin (et al.) // Pages 397-421
Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Primary Production and Carbon Cycle
Zhao, Maosheng (et al.) // Pages 423-444
Applications of Terrestrial Remote Sensing to Climate Modeling
Dickinson, Robert E. // Pages 445-463
Improving the Utilization of Remotely Sensed Data
Townshend, John R. (et al.) // Pages 465-483
Emerging Issues in Land Remote Sensing
Liang, Shunlin (et al.) // Pages 485-494

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